

PULSE project concept is built upon the understanding that with demographic changes and a Europe-wide shortage of trained nurses, the ability to move within the EU is a vital prerequisite for nurses, employers, training institutions, national organizations and businesses. PULSE aims at improvement of language, communicative and cultural competences of nurses who work or plan to work in a foreign country by using innovative methods based on digital tools for self- organized autonomous learning.

PULSE project gives solutions for quality performance of nurses’ work by giving them with tools to opening their abilities for practical language skills application and improving the attitudes, sensitivity and cultural awareness needed for successful work in a foreign country health care environment.

The core issue in the project approach is to comprise both sides of the processes of migration of nurses by connecting regions and countries, both hosting foreign nurses and sending nurses abroad, not randomly but with interest to each other. Project partners’ consortium represents different stakeholders’ organisations from EU countries facing challenges in the topic of migration of nurses and comprising both sides of the processes: France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Bulgaria, and Romania.