
Chambre de Commerce Italienne de Lyon

Chambre de Commerce Italienne de Lyon (CCIE Lyon) is a French no-profit association of industrial and commercial enterprises, professionals and traders who wish to work actively to develop economic relationships in Europe, especially between Italy and France. Active for more than twenty years on the territory of the region Rhône-Alps, CCIE Lyon is also officially recognized by the Italian Government as an Italian Chamber of Commerce Abroad and belongs to a network of over 75 Chambers with 140 offices and more than 18 000 businesses members in 54 countries. CCIE Lyon works on behalf of companies or Institutions in order to promote and build up business relations between France and Europe.



University for Foreigners of Siena - International University

The University for Foreigners of Siena is a public university specialized in the teaching of Italian as well as many other languages. It also specializes in scientific research on the diffusion of the Italian language and culture in the world and in contact between Italian and other languages and cultures.
All of the undergraduate degree courses, master’s degrees, master programmes, postgraduate schools and certifications of teaching competences are open to Italian and foreign students. They include courses in teaching and promoting Italian language and culture, linguistic and cultural mediation and translation in the tourism business. The Italian language and culture courses are intended for foreigners, who may also sit the Certificate of Italian as a Foreign Language (CILS) exams.
At the University for Foreigners of Siena you can learn European languages including English, French, German and Spanish as well as non-European languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Russian to become a professional in the tourism, translation, economics, legal and sociological fields.
The university has received the European Label for Languages eight times, from 2004 to 2013. This is an award given by the European Union for language projects that have promoted the teaching and learning of languages through innovation and effective teaching practices, encouraging awareness of European linguistic heritage and motivating citizens to pursue multilingualism throughout their lives.
In addition, the University has obtained the UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certification for the Italian language courses, CILS and DITALS certifications. This certification guarantees quality and reliability for all students.


Pressure Line

Pressure Line is a full-service communication agency, established in 1997. Core competences are development of communication and dissemination strategies, research and marketing, creation of corporate identities, web design, multimedia projects, developing and designing of learning materials. Pressure Line works for governmental organizations, regional and local authorities, educational and cultural institutions and welfare organizations.



FONDO FORMACION EUSKADI (FFE) is a human capital organization whose mission is the development of people and improvement of organizations. FFE is located in the Basque Country, with more than 30 years of experience in occupational and continuous vocational training for employees and unemployed, people at risk of social exclusion; consultancy and advisory to companies; management by competences and employment training plans (most of them focused on disadvantaged groups, such as immigrants, women, long term unemployed...); local development projects (some of them in the tourism field); professional guidance and advisory and support to learning.

FFE has developed a strong expertise in designing and providing training modular courses for different sectors or for different target groups. FFE also managed several regional and European projects aiming at improving competences of people in general and specific target groups in particular; reducing the mismatch among the training offer provided by VET institutions and skills required by companies and improve the knowledge about apprenticeship among VET centers and companies. The fields of study and application are extremely varied: LLL Strategies, Age Management; cohesion instruments to support mutual potential development in productivity and employment; study of the relationship between processes and organization in SMEs; diffusion of innovation to increased creativity.

FFE has different training centres in the Basque Country and more than 100 professional workers (36 associated worker, 50 management and administration professionals, 80 trainers) with different profiles that include from consultancy, training and human resources management, trainers, administration …

FFE has a wide experience in transnational cooperation projects for the research, development and innovation in the improvement of competences. Also FFE woks in different regional projects for the development of competences of adult people in different areas and from different profiles. In 2015 FFE has developed regional project for the improvement of competences and training activities for staff in the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the Basque Government, Regional Governments, Municipalities and public agencies.

FFE is a member of DEMOLA NETWORK. Open Innovation Platform. Demola is an international organization that facilitates co-creation projects between university students and companies, either locally or internationally. Demola is a network that consists of various partners including universities, their faculties, researchers and students, as well as companies, local agencies and a growing number of Demola Centers around the globe. There are many DEMOLA places in Tampere, Vilnius, Budapest, Oulu, South Sweden, Slovenia, Easth Sweden, Latvia, Saint Petersbourgh, Canary Island, Guadalajara, Namibia …


Inthecity Project Development

Inthecity Project Development is a creative multimedia agency. Its team of “digital storytellers” incorporates recognised and proven expertise in filmmaking, animation, web design and development, event video production, and social media. The company’s specialization is in discovering diverse real-life experiences and bringing the stories to life so they can reach a wide audience with the original message and spirit of the experience.


Spektrum Educational Centre

The Spektrum Educational Centre was established in 1996 as a nongovernmental organization.

As a self-sustaining, dynamic organization that is open to cooperation, our aim is to offer a wide range of formal and informal trainings to the organizations wishing to develop in the region, and also to those wishing to learn without age limits.

We offer language courses, from the beginner to advanced levels in effective small groups and individual lessons as well in ENGLISH, GERMAN, ROMANIAN, FRENCH, ITALIAN, SPANISH, HUNGARIAN, and CHINESE.

Within the framework of our educational development projects we are searching for effective ways and means to prepare the region's workforce for the rapid economic changes and encourage entrepreneurship.



Institute for Training of Personnel in International Organizations

The Institute for Training of Personnel in International Organizations is a non-profit organization with the status of Association. Members of the Association are leading Bulgarian universities and colleges, schools, teachers associations, trade union, local authorities, companies from various business areas, NGOs and experts in the social, economic and academic spheres.



KU TU is a marketing and communications agency and consultancy, focused on the development of attractive marketing, communication and educational products for a wide variety of organisations and sectors. KU TU has promoted and/or participated in over 20 European cooperation projects and networks providing education and inclusion opportunities in the fields of language teaching and learning, promotion of LWUTLs, enhancement of the quality of language learning, providing learning opportunities for young people, integration of migrants, active citizenship, promotion of tolerance, anti-discrimination and inclusion of marginalized groups, facilitating access and inclusion on the labour market, etc.

Contact person: Aneta Voycheva
52 Vitosha blvd, 1000 Sofia
+359 2 981 61 43



EURORESO is a network that involves 46 partners from 28 different European countries. Its membership includes partners from the whole Europe with wide experience and proven expertise in vocational education and training in all industrial sectors. One of the main purposes of the association is the dissemination of projects and valorisation of their results and products.